Neel has over 15 years of experience in providing international tax consulting and compliance services, serving various clients, including high-net-worth individuals, closely-held business entities and private equity clients across various industries. Neel is experienced in serving US clients with worldwide operations and non-US clients investing and doing business in the US. He has extensive experience in addressing complex international tax issues, including foreign tax credits, subpart F and PFIC planning, FATCA, FIRPTA, tax treaty analysis, foreign currency calculations, export tax incentives, including IC-DISC structuring opportunities, as well as structuring cross-border investments. Neel also has advised on foreign tax credit planning and compliance, and various international tax compliance requirements, including K-2/K-3 reporting, withholding tax reporting, FATCA and CRS due diligence and reporting, foreign asset disclosure requirements, and reporting of foreign corporations, partnerships and disregarded entities.
Neel began his career in public accounting at Deloitte. Neel has an LL.M. in Taxation from Northwestern University School of Law.